
The Manquehue name means "Place of condors", and comes from the Mapuche words manque, which means condor, and hue, which means place.

The Manquehue is an important reference point for the city of Santiago and the Mapocho Valley. For many it shows the North and allows for an estimation of their relative geographical position. Its familiar trapezoid shape dominates the range which traverses the city in East-West direction, following the course of the Mapocho River. Certainly a great place from which to gaze upon the city, specially over the contiguous districts of Conchalí, Vitacura, Lo Curro and La Dehesa. The lack of higher neighboring mountains gives the impression that its summit rises alone up to the sky. It is not uncommon that the city be covered with clouds, just while those standing on Manquehue´s summit enjoy a warming sun, clear blue skies and the exceptional sight of a Santiago city replaced by a sheet of clouds, layed as a table cloth for the Andes. But, fortunately or unfortunately, climbing Manquehue also shows us clearly the difference between the air we breath in the city and that which we breath at the summit.

Sadly, the typical disrespect for nature and lack of culture of the average Chilean have left its permanent marks in the beautiful summit of the Manquehue. Together with the splendid "espinos" and magnificent views one can there find, are also countless rocks blemished by stupid signatures. Please, let´s show some respect for nature.