
General Information

Reserva Nacional Las Chinchillas

El Pacul

Country: Chile

Region: Región de Coquimbo

Area: Reserva Nacional Las Chinchillas

Nearest city: Illapel

Number of journeys: 1

Total distance: 4,5km

Trail Markings: Frecuente y clara

Trail: Claro y marcado

Route type: Circuito



Panorámicas / Paisaje

Transporte público

Apto para niños menores de 10 años

Graduations (1)




I did it



Álvaro Vivanco


Hiking routes


Reserva Nacional Las Chinchillas

Author: Álvaro Vivanco

Posted on 07/07/2016.

Translated by Claire Mack


Of the three trails in the Reserva Nacional Las Chinchillas, the Pacul route is longest. It is an extension of El Grillo, and it allows you to observe other types of flora which do not grow along the latter, as well as visit the ruins of an old mine. Among the flora which are present along this route is the chagual (Puya chilensis), a type of cactus which is the symbol of the reserve given the fact that chinchillas live at the foot of this plant as they themselves are incapable of digging out a den underground. It is also possible to find the bush which gives its name to the route: the Pacul (Krameria cistoidea), which due to it’s over exploitation to create dye in the past, it is considered to be endangered.

The Long-tailed chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera), also known as the Chilean chinchilla, is a species of rodent native in Chile and is currently in extreme danger of extinction. The reason for this is its valuable fur, which in the past led to its indiscriminate hunting to create clothing: for example approximately 120 chinchillas were necessary to make a fur coat. Its natural habitat is between Talca and Taltal. Currently, there are only two known locations where you can find chinchillas in the wild. One of these places is La Higuera, some 100km to the north of Coquimbo and the other is in Reserva Nacional Las Chinchillas, located 15km to the north of Illapel.

Chinchillas are nocturnal creatures. Their eyes are accustomed to dark conditions and their lack of sweat glands ensure that are not capable of putting up with sun exposure. For these reasons it is almost impossible to see one during a day visit to their natural habitat. However, to compensate for this Conaf have created a “nocturama”, this being a dark room where you can enter and observe specimens of these curious animals, as well as other small mammals which inhabit the zone.

Appropriate season

All year round, but spring is the best season to visit the reserve. In this period, the landscape is greener than usual and there are flowers everywhere.


The nearest village to the reserve is Illapel. See here how to get to Illapel.

From Illapel, head north towards Combarbalá along the paved route D-705, and continue for 15km to the entrance to the reserve. The Conaf administration point is beside the entrance to the reserve. Here you must register, pay the entrance fee and hear an induction talk.

There reserve is also accessible via public transport, with various buses leaving Illapel heading north to La Serena, Ovalle, Calama and El Salvador. The bus company Pullman Bus offers this service. It is also possible to hire a taxi in Illapel to take you to the reserve entrance.

Once you have registered, continue north for another 2km along the dirt track which ends at the start of the route El Grillo See photo 1.

Permits / Prices

The entry fees to the reserve are as follows: adult CLP$2500 (approx. US$5), child CLP$1000 (approx. US$2).


The opening hours are:

  • Low season (April – November): Entry Wednesday – Sunday and holidays: 9:00 to 16:30. Close: 17:30. Closed Monday and Tuesday.
  • High season (December – March): Entry all week: 9:00 to 16:30. Close: 17:30. The reserve is closed 25th December and 1st January. 

Accommodation / Facilities

There is no campsite in the reserve; there is only a picnic area to be used during the day nearby the Conaf administration point. It is an excellent spot to have some lunch, with tables and shade, and allows you to observe a variety of local fauna (birds, culpeos and degus).

There is a cabin which can be reserved via the contact information published on the Reserve webpage.


  • There are lots of birds in the picnic area alongside the Conaf administration point. If you keep quiet, you will see many different types. It is also common to see culpeo foxes. In the event that you see one of the latter, it is recommended that you don’t feed them.
  • Do not miss the “nocturama” if you visit the park. It is one of the rare occasions you will be able to see such members of Chilean fauna such as the chinchilla, but do not take photos with flash of the animals See photo 11.
  • There is no water along the route so it is recommended that you take enough with you before starting the walk.


  • Lightweight footwear
  • Sun protection


  1. Illapel - Reserva Nacional Las Chinchillas - Illapel


El Pacul
Álvaro Vivanco 27/10/2015

Punto alcanzado: Sendero El Pacul

Fecha expedición: 10/10/2015

Después de un visita en invierno decidimos volver y hacer los senderos que nos faltaron. Valió la pena por la cantidad de flores que habían y lo verde que estaba todo.

Tracks and Waypoints

El Pacul

Aportado por: Álvaro Vivanco
Fecha: 13/10/2015