
General Information

Parque Nacional Alerce Costero

Alerce Milenario - Lañilahual

Country: Chile

Region: Región de los Ríos

Area: Parque Nacional Alerce Costero

Nearest city: La Unión

Number of journeys: 1

Total distance: 5,3km

Trail Markings: Frecuente y clara

Trail: Claro y marcado

Route type: Circuito

Graduations (7)




I did it



Marcelo Camus


Hiking routes


Parque Nacional Alerce Costero

Author: Mario Arias

Posted on 06/07/2016.

Translated by Claire Mack


This beautiful route is found in the eastern part of the Parque Nacional Alerce Costero, and goes deep into a wood of full grown native Alcerce (fitzroya cupressoides) trees. It leads the walker to a 3500 year old Alerce tree, this being the namesake of the route, Alerce Milenario. This park is located in the Los Ríos region of Chile and was created in October 2010 to protect and conserve the various native species of flora of fauna, with special attention for the safeguarding of the Alerce.

The Alerce is an evergreen tree which can reach heights of up to 45m. It grows in the Los Ríos and the Los Lagos regions of Chile and although rare, it can be found in small numbers in Argentina. Its wood is extremely resistant to the wet climate in the south of Chile, and with its distinct and beautiful ring design it has been used in carpentry for centuries, which led to its over-exploitation in the past. Now this tree is considered to be an endangered species in Chile and was declared a Natural Monument in 1976, so that now the cutting down and commercialisation of any living tree is forbidden in Chilean territory.

All around this part of the park which protects a large area of native woodland it is possible to see other trees apart from the magnificent Alerce. These other native species make up the typical “Valdivian forest” and include Coihue, Lenga, Mañío and Arrayán. Among the fauna that inhabit in the area are the puma and the pudú – the world’s smallest deer.

Appropriate season

The Parque Nacional Alerce Costero and this route are open all year round. In Autumn and Winter the temperatures are lower and there is much more rain, especially in this area.


This part of the Parque Nacional Alerce Costero is only accessible via private transport. From the village of La Unión, follow route T-80 towards a beach called Hueicolla, located within the reserve Reserva Costera Valdiviana. You can see how to get to La Unión here.

The distance between La Unión and the Parque Nacional Alerce Costero is 48km of well-maintained gravel road, and this journey takes around 1h. Due to the heavy rains during Autumn and Winter, we recommend that you only travel to the park in a car with four-wheel drive.

After arriving at the entrance located on the right hand side (east) of the road, you will need to pay the entrance fee and then park the car in a safe spot. There is no public transport to the start of the route.

Permits / Prices

At the entrance to the park you will need to pay the relevant entrance fee to the reserve: Chilean adult CLP$1000 (approx. US$2), Chilean child CLP$500 (approx. US$1), foreign adult CLP$2000 (approx. US$4), foreign child CLP$500 (approx. US$1).

Accommodation / Facilities

As the route is generally completed in one day, there is no area or amenities to camp or to spend the night in the park. There are toilets close to the park entrance and along the route there are wooden benches where you can rest.


  • This route is a good choice to complete as a family as it is suitable for children as well as adults.
  • Pets are not allowed in the park.


  • Trekking boots or high-ankle boots.
  • Water bottle.
  • Sun-glasses, sun protection, sun hat.
  • Trekking poles.


Normal Itinerary


  1. La Unión - Alerce Milenario - Lañilahual - La Unión

Alternative Itinerary


  1. La Unión - Alerce Milenario - La Unión


Alerce Milenario - Lañilahual
Marcelo Camus 24/02/2016

Punto alcanzado: Circuito completo

Fecha expedición: 20/02/2016

Precioso sendero y muy bien mantenido. El inicio de la ruta por un bosque exclusivamente de alerces es impresionante, lo mismo con el alerce milenario, es realmente enorme, las fotos no logran captar la verdadera dimensión del árbol. Nos demoramos 2,5h en recorrer el circuito completo a ritmo suave, pero constante. Nos faltó llevar trajes de baño para meternos en uno de los pozones del estero Lañilahual. La conexión con la ruta T-80 desde la Unión no nos resulto fácil y tuvimos que preguntar bastante hasta dar con ella (no hay señalética vial). El camino de ripio está en ciertos tramos en mantención, manejar con cuidado. Gracias a Mario Arias por publicar esta ruta, vale la pena recorrerla.
Rodrigo Claro 22/02/2016

Punto alcanzado: Alerce Milenario

Fecha expedición: 28/01/2016

Fuimos con mi señora y mi hija de 14 años, hicimos el sendero sólo hasta el Gran Abuelo. El sendero es precioso, uno se interna en un bosque que parece mágico, está claramente señalizado, nos demoramos como dos horas en hacer el trayecto completo a paso relajado.  El gran abuelo (alerce de 3.500 años) es espectacular, es una sensación única estar en presencia de un ser vivo de tan larga data. 
Por otra parte, el camino desde La Unión hasta la reserva está muy bueno, algo angosto en algunos sectores y lo están mejorando (hay trabajos en la vía). Es un paseo 100% recomendable.

Punto alcanzado: circuito completo

Fecha expedición: 26/01/2016

Vale la pena conocer la selva valdiviana, su bosque siempreverde y el magnífico Alerce Abuelo! 
No se arrepentirán! Además, en la zona existen otras áreas protegidas, la reserva costera valdiviana y Raulintal, Area Protegida Reserva Natural
Mario Arias 16/06/2015

Punto alcanzado: Alerce milanerio y Lañilahual

Fecha expedición: 13/05/2015

Completé la ruta que une el Alerce Milenario y el sendero Lañilahual. Ver un ejemplar adulto de alerce realmente impresiona por su tamaño. Además al recorrer por el borde del estero Lañilahual la ruta se torna entretenida.

Tracks and Waypoints

Alerce Milenario - Lañilahual
Sendero Alerce Milenario

Aportado por: Álvaro Vivanco
Fecha: 18/06/2015

Track del sendero que lleva al alerce milenario y conexión al sendero Lañilahual.