
General Information

Reserva Nacional Coyhaique

Laguna Verde

Country: Chile

Region: Región de Aysén

Area: Reserva Nacional Coyhaique

Nearest city: Coyhaique

Number of journeys: 1

Total distance: 3,9km (solo ida)

Trail Markings: Frecuente y clara

Trail: Claro y marcado

Route type: Ida y vuelta



Lagos / Lagunas


Panorámicas / Paisaje

Habilitado para discapacitados

Graduations (3)




I did it



Liliana Ramos


Hiking routes


Reserva Nacional Coyhaique

Author: Daniel Perez (CL).

Posted on 06/07/2016.

Translated by Claire Mack


The Laguna Verde route can be found in the park Reserva Nacional Coyhaique, a small area protected by Conaf and some 4km from the town of Coyhaique. Within this protected sector you will find many lakes with diverse species of fauna: birds, aquatic life and mammals (including pumas). The most well-known and famous lake in the reserve is the Laguna Verde, which, with its calm water, is a great place to visit.

This route is 3900m in distance and in just 1½ to 2 hours you will reach this beautiful lake in the middle of the Patagonian forest. The tranquillity of its waters contrasts greatly with the impressive view of the surrounding landscape and this makes it worth the effort to complete this route. This route connects two connecting routes: i) Los Leñeros, which starts at the entrance point of the Reserva Nacional Coyhaique and ends at the Casa de Brujas campsite, and ii) Los Carreros, which starts at Casa de Brujas and ends at Laguna Verde. It is important to point out that in this protected area, 200m of cement path has been installed to provide disabled access to the shores of Laguna Verde and the nearby viewpoint so that everyone can enjoy this beautiful landscape.

Appropriate season

All year round.


Coyhaique - Reserva Nacional Coyhaique

From the town of Coyhaique, follow route 7 heading north. After approx. 2.5km along an asphalt road, you will reach a dirt track that leads east (left) towards the reserve. This intersection is well signposted. Continue along the dirt track for approx. 1.5km until you reach the entrance for this protected area, where you will need to register your entry and pay the corresponding entry fee.

There is no public transport to the reserve. However, you can take a taxi from the town, or even hitchhike there and back. Another option is to walk to the reserve from Coyhaique, which takes between 1 and 1 ½ hour.

Permits / Prices

The entry fees to the reserve are as follows: Chilean adult CLP$1000 (approx. US$2), Chilean child CLP$500 (approx. US$1), foreign adult CLP$3000 (approx. US$6), foreign child CLP$1000 (approx. US$2).

Accommodation / Facilities

Along the route you will find 2 camping areas set up by Conaf. The first, called Casa de Bruja, is located in the middle of the route to the Laguna Verde, and the second is on the shores of this lake.


  • Keep a camera close to hand. There are many species of interesting fauna in the area, and it is important to be aware and ready to take photos.
  • If you have enough time and are in good physical condition you can join this route to the Las Lagunas circuit which connects Laguna Verde with three other lakes: Los Mallines, Venus y Los Sapos. Otherwise, you can complete the smaller Laguna Verde circuit around the lake in around 20 to 40 minutes
  • The last 200m of the path are paved and suitable for disabled access. You can reach this point by car from the entrance of the reserve.


  • Trekking boots or high-ankle boots.
  • Comfortable clothing, windbreaker and hat, gloves, etc. to keep warm.
  • Sun-glasses, sun protection.
  • Trekking poles (optional).


  1. Coyhaique – Laguna Verde route - Coyhaique


Laguna Verde
Liliana Ramos 23/01/2024

Fecha expedición: 02/01/2024

Daniel Perez 13/03/2015

Punto alcanzado: Laguna Verde

Fecha expedición: 04/02/2015

Realizamos este sendero junto con mi hermano, aprovechando también de recorrer el gran circuito que une varias lagunas dentro de la Reserva Nacional Coyhaique. Sin duda el sendero a la laguna Verde es un imperdible si se pasa por Coyhaique; relativamente corto, fácil y con bonitos paisajes.

Punto alcanzado: laguna verde

Fecha expedición: 04/02/2015

Dentro de los senderos de las lagunas de la reserva nacional Coyhaique, el sendero de la laguna Verde es imperdible. Con mi hermano fuimos a hacer este trekking y además de los demás que llevan a diferentes lagunas dentro de la misma reserva. La laguna es bastante linda, se puede caminar alrededor de esta y de verdad que en cada punto en que uno se detiene a mirarla, le descubre algo nuevo. Muy recomendable si es que se pasa por Coyhaique 

Tracks and Waypoints

Laguna Verde

Aportado por: Daniel Perez
Fecha: 05/08/2015