
General Information

Parque Pumalín

Ranita de Darwin

Country: Chile

Region: Región de los Lagos

Area: Parque Pumalín

Nearest city: Chaitén

Number of journeys: 1

Total distance: 2,8km

Trail Markings: Frecuente y clara

Trail: Claro y marcado

Route type: Circuito

Graduations (3)




I did it



Álvaro Vivanco


Hiking routes


Parque Pumalín

Author: Álvaro Vivanco (CL).

Posted on 06/07/2016.

Translated by Claire Mack


For any visitor to the village of El Amarillo in the Pumalín Park, the route known as El Sendero de la Ranita de Darwin (literally translated as “Darwin’s Frog Route”) is the easiest and most direct option of going deep into the forest and seeing the great variety of species that create this beautiful area. What is especially noticeable in the forest is the great number of native trees such as Mañío de hoja punzante (podocarpus nubigenus), the enormous Nalca (gunnera tinctoria) and a huge variety of lichen and ferns. With a bit of luck you may also see the small and rare frog which is the namesake of the route.

The route is a circuit some 2.8km in distance, and as it is not technically or physically demanding it is suitable for all the family.

Appropriate season

All year round. That said, it is advisable to take into account that the Pumalín Park is located in an extremely rainy part of Chile, so we suggest that you visit in Summer. Due to the fact that the route leads through a dense forest it is possible to complete the route on a rainy day and not end up completely soaked.


Via Private Transport

From the village of Chaitén, head south on the Carretera Austral (this part of the route is paved) for 25km until you reach the village of El Amarillo. Here the Carretera Austral turns right (south), whilst a dirt track continues straight (east) towards the El Amarillo thermal springs. Follow the dirt track. After just 100m you will come to the entrance of the Pumalín Park on your left (north). Enter the park and continue for another 4.2km, this road offering great views of the south face of the volcano Michinmahuida. After these 4.2km you will reach the start of the route See photo 2, which is well signposted and located beside the road between of the campsites in the area. Here you can leave your car.

Via Public Transport

To reach the park via public transport, you will need to take one of the busses that head south from Chaitén, and then get off at the village of El Amarillo. From here you will need to walk a little more than 4km to the start of the route. The bus timetables are available at Buses Becker.

Permits / Prices

The entrance to Pumalín Park is free.

Accommodation / Facilities

There are at least 4 campsites nearby the route. Two of these are beside the dirt track before the start of the path, and the other two are further on.


  • You can ask for a guide pamphlet at the park entrance that will help you to recognise the different flora, especially the trees, in the area.
  • Along the route you will cross a few rivers where you can retrieve water if necessary.


  • Trekking boots or high-ankle boots


  1. Chaitén - Ranita de Darwin - Chaitén


Ranita de Darwin
Álvaro Vivanco 25/03/2015

Punto alcanzado: Sendero Ranita de Darwin

Fecha expedición: 31/12/2014

Muy buena forma para cerrar el 2014 recorriendo este sendero. Todavía caía algo de lluvia, pero gracias a lo espeso del bosque no se notó mucho. La vegetación era impresionante, especialmente las gigantescas nalcas.

Tracks and Waypoints

Ranita de Darwin

Aportado por: Álvaro Vivanco
Fecha: 24/06/2015